

Creating Tangible Value for Communities

Community solar projects deliver tangible local value through lease payments to our landowners, electric bill relief for the community, contributions to local property taxes, new job opportunities, and millions invested in local infrastructure. Our clean energy solutions are thoughtfully designed and delivered with the community’s best interests in mind. Fieldworks Power is committed to delivering real value for your community through our innovative projects.

Thoughtful Siting for Minimal Impact

Fieldworks Power takes a proactive approach to site selection, ensuring that the impact of our solar projects on the environment and the community is minimized. Our team is committed to avoiding significant interventions that could have long-term effects on the soil and local ecosystems. Before proposing a project to your community, we conduct an extensive due diligence process to ensure that sensitive habitats, important waterways, or even archaeological artifacts are not negatively impacted.

Land Stewardship & Unlocking Additional Value

In addition to being thoughtful about our upfront siting, we recognize the importance of land preservation in the way we develop and build our community solar projects. Solar is designed to be temporary – removed from the land when the project has reached the end of its useful life. Once it is removed, the land will be in prime condition for whatever the landowner choose to do next – including farming, returning to open space, or other opportunities – this is a clear benefit compared to other types of more permanent development.
Even as a temporary presence on the land, solar can actually have a positive impact on the soil quality when a permanent ground cover is maintained. There are also options to consider when developing a site that can create additional benefits or continue to support agricultural activities, such as planting pollinator species or supporting other dual-use agricultural opportunities such as grazing or beekeeping. This approach underscores our commitment to not just maintaining but enhancing the land’s value and ecological balance.

Fostering Collaborative Relationships with Local Communities

We understand that the journey towards sustainable energy solutions can raise valid concerns among neighbors. That’s why at Fieldworks Power, we prioritize open collaboration and active engagement with local communities. Your concerns matter to us, whether it’s the visual impact of solar installations or the potential loss of active farmland. We are dedicated to ensuring that your voices are heard and your concerns are taken seriously. By working together, we find solutions that create positive outcomes for everyone involved.